
The Mobile Robotics Program is extend over 24 months and is structured into mandatory and elective modules, including teaching units with a duration of one semester. Each module is completed with an exam. Three different types of modules are offered: lectures, seminars, and projects. The basis of evaluation is credit points (CP).


The Master's Program consists of four types of courses:

  6     General Mandatory Modules, which cover the basic knowledge required for the remaining program. 

  6     Elective Modules, which provide a broad overview of the subject area. 

  2     Project Modules, which introduce to current research topich and train for self-sufficent research.
These topics are meant for preparation towards the Master's Thesis. 

  1     Master Thesis, as written final exam paper. 
MoRob - StudyPlan.jpg

General Mandatory [ 42 CP ]

The modules cover the basic knowledge required for the remaining program. Lectures and exercises cover the folowing topics: Robot Planning and Control, GNSS, Inertial Navigation Systems, Python and Computer Vision, Graph SLAM, 3D Mapping and Maschine Learning.

  • Introduction to Mobile Robotics (MA-MOROB-M01 | 9 CP)
  • Trajectory Estimation (MA-MOROB-M02 | 6 CP)
  • Python for Robotics and Computer Vision (MA-MOROB-M03 | 6 CP)
  • Computer Vision (MA-MOROB-M04 | 9 CP)
  • Robot Mapping (MA-MOROB-M05 | 6 CP)
  • Machine Learning for Robotics and Computer Vision (MA-MOROB-M06 | 6 CP)

Project Modules [ 12 CP ]

The Project modules extend over two semesters. They cover current research topics

  • Topics
    • Moving objects; Pose estimation and localization; Trajectory estimation; Simultaneous localization and mapping; Sensor calibration; Sensor fusion; Advanced sensor data interpretation; Pointcloud processing; Machine learning for perception; Semantic sensor data interpretation; AI techniques for robot navigation

Elective Modules [ 36 CP ]

In the second and third semester the students choose elective modules from the fields of Geodesy and Computer Science. This gives the students a broad overview about the subject.

It is also possible to choose a course from the university-wide offer with 6 credit points.

Master's Thesis [ 30 CP ]

The Master's Program concludes with the Master's Thesis, in which a geodetic problem as to be solved. 

Qualification Goals: Independent and extensive analysis and interpretation of a research task; Ability to independently cope with a scientific problem in the relevant subject area on the basis of scientific methods within a set period of time; Specialized professional and conceptual skills to assess and present the research results; Systematic search of information and literature; Understanding and using scientific texts; Writing scientific text in a concise way; Presentation of findings and results.

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